Romanian Leu (RON)
About the Romanian Leu
The Romanian “leu” (plural: lei) is the official currency used in the country of Romania. Its official currency code is “RON” (does not have a monetary symbol). The primary denominations include 5, 10, 50 bani coins; and 1, 5, 10, 50, and 100 leu paper bank notes (1 leu = 100 brani). In Romania, decimal numbers are denoted using a comma (e.g. 1,50). The leu has a floating exchange rate.
Central Bank: National Bank of Romania
News: Romanian Leu
- Iran nuclear talks - Moving ahead - The Economist (17 May 2014, 7:00 am)
- - Celebrities born on this day, February 13 - (13 February 2014, 8:00 am)
- Celebrities born on this day, February 13 - (13 February 2014, 8:00 am)
Reports & Events: Romanian Leu
- Balance of payments and external debt - July 2024 (13 September 2024, 8:45 am)
- Communication regarding the interest rate on interbank money market transactions of 5 September 2024 (6 September 2024, 8:05 am)
- Numismatic issue dedicated to 130 years since the birth of Camil Petrescu (6 September 2024, 7:00 am)
Discussions: Romanian Leu
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Videos: Romanian Leu
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